Organic Vending: Making the Choice to Be Healthy

Why do so many people complain about the way they feel and not do anything about it? That doesn’t mean going to the doctor to get some medicine to take care of the pain or allergies, but doing something that will really take care of most of the health problems you have, namely learning to eat healthy foods so that your immune system is strong enough to fight all of those illnesses and conditions that may attack you. Parents—stop complaining that your children are always sick and do something about it! No matter how warmly you dress your children or yourself in the cold weather, if your immune system is weak, you are going to get sick. Doubling up on the Vitamin C is not enough—you have to strengthen your entire immune system.

We have all heard of the old remedies for colds like Grandma’s chicken soup. Do you think it works because chicken soup has some magical formula? Even doctors admit to the “wonder” of chicken soup for colds and flu-like illnesses. What does it have that is so special? One can only guess that the ingredients in chicken soup include various herbs and spices that are good for fighting off colds. Fresh garlic is a natural antibiotic and other herbs are good to fight off cancer and even heart disease. It’s little wonder as we look back generations that except for flu and other epidemics people were healthier than they are today. What did they do differently? There are several things that we know for sure: they cooked their own foods from scratch, they exercised (walking, housecleaning, farming, bicycling), and they didn’t use a lot of prescription medications.

There are many things we can do even in the 21st century to regain our health beginning with the foods we eat. Many of us put a great deal of garbage in our mouths—not literally of course, but we subsist on foods that have very little nutritional value. We concentrate on taking away the hunger pangs rather than providing nutrition for our bodies. If people would learn to eat for nutrition instead of eating for taste alone, we could eliminate many of the conditions that have become so prevalent in our fast-paced world. YoNaturals is working to get everyone back on the right track by encouraging everyone, especially children, to eat more natural and organic foods and less processed foods. It would be easier if everyone gave up processed foods, but the process will be gradual, and it’s unlikely if everyone will see the nutritional value. Perhaps one day people will take a trek back in time and redevelop a taste for home-cooking instead of fast cooking.

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